If you’re a homeowner, chances are good that you have a few solid DIY skills. Maybe you’ve become the best plumber or painter in the neighbourhood – or even turned a decrepit old house into a charming, beautiful dwelling. Having building and repair skills is great, but when it comes to installing a residential flat roof, it’s best to bring in the experts. It’s understandable that you may want to save yourself the cost of hiring professional flat roofers, but in the long term, amateur work only costs you more. Why? There are plenty of reasons.

They’re Called Pros for a Reason

Professionals are so-called because of their training and experience in the roofing industry. It’s not just that they possess a set of instructions on how to install your residential flat roof; it’s that they have done the job many times before. The experts are used to dealing with common roofing issues, such as old or uneven foundations. They know how to identify potential problems and deal with them ahead of time, when an amateur would simply forge ahead with the project without understanding the future implications.

Improper Installations may Need to be Completely Replaced

When the roof has been installed hastily or without any specific expertise, several common issues can occur. These include leaking, water pooling, noise and billowing. Extreme weather such as wind, rain and snow only exacerbates these problems and makes repairs more difficult and short-term. Furthermore, improper cleaning and preparation of the building site could lead to premature degradation of the roofing materials. The best amateur flat roof installations lead to several repairs down the road, but the worst could lead to an entire replacement. In this case, DIY work isn’t going to save you money; in fact, it’s going to cost you more down the road.

Some Companies Offer Financing

Of course, the cost of installing a roof isn’t something to sneeze at. Not everybody want to, or can afford to, spend a large amount of money on construction work. For that reason, many roofing companies have put together a finance plan for homeowners. This plan allows clients to pay a small deposit on the building work, and follow it up with weekly or monthly payments until the total amount has been paid. This is a great option to consider if the expense is putting you off hiring professional roofers.

Your Work Doesn’t Come with a Warranty

When you sign a contract with a professional roofing company, you’re generally given a product warranty that lasts between 10 and 25 years. If you maintain the roof properly and it still fails before that time span, you’ll either be guaranteed a replacement or a partial refund. When your own workmanship fails before its expected life span is over, there is nowhere for you to turn. You’ll either have to redo the roof yourself, or call in the professionals after all. The warranty alone is a fantastic — and smart — reason to hire experts to install your residential flat roof.

When it comes to the fundamental construction of your home, you can’t be too careful. A roof needs to last anywhere from 10 to 50 years, and withstand all kinds of weather during that time. If you aren’t personally trained in the art of flat roofing, take this advice: Call the pros!